Map Projections Diagram

Map Projections Diagram

"The purpose of this activity is to apply your knowledge coordinate systems and projections through the creation of an Illustrator document that explains and visualizes the impact that different map projections have on Wisconsin’s direction, shape, and area."

This exercise presented a different kind of challenge in that the data was already mapped in the static form of map projection comparisons. The main task I faced was how the comparisons should be colored, and how the general layout should look. 

Using Cynthia Brewer's "Color Brewer" website, I obtained a qualitative color scheme I liked and applied it to the projection comparisons. I found that the comparisons would be best highlighted if I put them in the center of the map, and so I decided to work on my layout using this as a foundation. I tried both portrait and landscape orientations, and found that landscape offered more room for the other map elements. 

As for the general layout, I went with a "wrap-around" method, organizing elements in the margins around the comparisons. Once again, I made use of size to emphasize of certain elements over others. I had the most difficulty in building and aligning the legend out of all of these elements. Contrary to common legend construction, I displayed the feature and label left-to-right rather than right-to-left. I think this worked well, as the feature is close to the comparisons so the viewer can easily use it for comprehension, rather than having to look across the labels to the map content. 

Future Changes: 

- I would maybe slightly decrease the size of the explanation text; this feels somewhat cramped against the neatline. 
