Final Project: Conflict in the South China Sea Map
Final Project: Conflict in the South China Sea Map "The purpose of this final mapping project is to provide you an opportunity to showcase your academic interests, analytical abilities, cartographic skills, and artistic talents through the production of a map (or series of maps) that tell a story. This project is a summative in nature and is therefore requires you to incorporate cartographic best practices that you learned in lecture and assigned readings and have applied in previous exercises this semester. The type of map(s) produced, and the format in which they are delivered, is up to you." For the final project, I decided to create a map showcasing conflict in the South China Sea. This is especially relevant, as China often is in the news headlines more and more these days. With this project, I tried to create a map that shows to the viewer just how tumultuous this region of the world. Taken from the project's methodology: "For this map, a variet...